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Business Tasmania

Tasmania’s Small Business Growth Strategy 2026


Recognising that Tasmania has a strong small business community that plays a vital role in our economy, the Small Business Growth Strategy 2026 establishes the objectives that will help government and the private sector to support business growth in Tasmania.

This strategy provides the foundation for the small business sector, partner organisations, and the Tasmanian Government to work together to build and sustain a thriving business community.

The Department of State Growth developed the strategy in partnership with the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tasmanian Small Business Council.


Informed by the voices of 280 members of Tasmania’s business community, the Small Business Growth Strategy 2026 identifies key themes that relate to growing a business in Tasmania, in whatever form that takes. These themes are:

  1. People and connections
  2. Place
  3. Enabling business
  4. Technology

For more detail on these themes, view the Small Business Growth Strategy 2026 (PDF 15.5 MB).

Small Business Growth Strategy 2026 Implementation Plan

The Small Business Growth Strategy 2026 Implementation Plan (the Plan) sets out the actions that will guide the work of the government and private sector towards the objectives set out in the Small Business Growth Strategy 2026.

This Plan was informed by the consultations that occurred with businesses and key stakeholders across Tasmania during 2022 and covers the period from 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2024. Further implementation plans, each covering a period of 12-18 months, will be developed for the period out to 2026.

Input into the Plan has also been provided by project partners the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tasmanian Small Business Council, along with various Tasmanian Government agencies, including State Growth, Tourism Tasmania, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, Office of the Coordinator-General, and Homes Tasmania.

The governance processes established to develop the Small Business Growth Strategy 2026 will be extended to oversee the delivery of the implementation plans. A working group that includes the Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tasmanian Small Business Council will meet every six months to review the progress of the Plan’s initiatives. Further consultation with key stakeholders including industry peak bodies and regional chambers will also take place from March 2024 to ensure the themes, associated objectives and activities remain relevant.

This agile approach is similar to the way Tasmanian businesses operate and will allow flexibility to adapt to changes in the business environment.

The content for the first Plan has been developed at the same time as work has progressed on delivering many of the various initiatives identified, such as:

  • the staged implementation of the new Tasmanian Business Advice Service from 1 July 2023 onward
  • the Small Business Growth Strategy Grant Program
  • phase two of the Minding Your Business Mental Health Program in partnership with Lifeline Tasmania.

View the Implementation Plan (PDF 3.0 MB).

Contact us

If you have any enquiries or feedback relating to this strategy or the Implementation Plan, please contact Business Tasmania at or phone 1800 440 026.